28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba


What is Nyotaimori or Naked Sushi?
Nyotaimori or Naked Sushi is something that evolved during the reign of the last emperor of Japan. 
It has taken many forms over the years. It is definitely not mainstream in Japan and involves removing sushi from a human form for consumption..It can feature both male (nantaimori) or women (nyotaimori).
Literally translated as “female body presentation,” nyotaimori is colloquially known as “naked sushi”: raw fish served on a nude woman.

After stripping down and shaving off all extraneous body hair, young, nubile models wash themselves in unscented soap, lie down on a table, and allow chefs to cover them in sushi, seaweed, and a few strategically placed flowers. Wheeled into a banquet room, they then spend several hours staring blankly at the c chopsticks. In places with particularly strict hygiene laws—not to mention interesting interpretations of what qualifies as sexy—the models are covered in saran wrap.

To an outsider, nyotaimori might just seem like an example of sitophila—the desire to eat foods off another person’s body. But fans insist it’s actually a matter of taste; by sitting for a half hour on a woman’s bare stomach, they explain, your tuna roll is heated to body temperature. According to their logic, this allows its flavors to expand and prevents the unpleasant shock that comes when the fish is too cold. One could argue that since belly buttons are not the most efficient chafers—that’s why God invented heat lamps—the true appeal is less about temperature than titillation. Fair enough, say its fans. Fewer people means a better view.

Nyotaimori, which started in Japan, has been banned in China for “insult[ing] people’s moral quality.” So instead the phenomenon spread east. Nyotaimori bars can be found in cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and, yes, Minneapolis. Some American bars also offer nantaimori: sushi served on a naked man.

But despite its questionable morals and hygiene, nyotaimori is not the grossest Japanese food custom out there. That honor goes to wakame sake. Translated as seaweed sake, it’s a delicacy where a naked, supine model clamps her thighs together to form a triangular cup. Sake is poured down her body and into the indentation. As it fills, the woman’s pubic hair begins to gently undulate in the warm sake, similar—say the poets—to seaweed swaying in the ocean. Then a drunk businessman leans down and slurps it out of her crotch. Delicious. 
By Catherine Price in "101 Places Not To See Before You Die", Harper Collins, Australia, 2010, excerps chapter 25.

12 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

Oskar Schlemmer

Schlemmer,bir Alman ressam,heykelci…”Ben tual boyayacak kadar çağdışı bir yaratık değilim” diyor ve tiyatroya dekorcu olarak giriyor.Önceleri “Ari ırk sempatizanı”oluyor.Fakat Goering’in çiftesini yiyor,eserleri YOZ SANAT listesine giriyor.Ekmek parası diyor ve gizlice resime devam ediyor.Yasaklı döneminde doğu cephesine gidecek bir yüzbaşı gelip evinin duvarına bir resim çizmesini istiyor.Bombardımandan kurtulan bu duvar,savaş sonrası yerinden koparılıp “dünyanın 700 kg.lık en ağır tablosu” ünvanına sahip oluyor.(Galiba şu an, Amsterdam’da sergileniyor..Detayları ben de merak ettim ama daha internete düşmemiş.)

Oskar Schlemmer (1888 –1943)was a German painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer associated with the Bauhaus school. In 1923 he was hired as Master of Form at the Bauhaus theatre workshop, after working some time at the workshop of sculpture. His most famous work is "Triadisches Ballett," in which the actors are transfigured from the normal to geometrical shapes. Also in Slat Dance and Treppenwitz, the performers' costumes make them into living sculpture, as if part of the scenery.


Das Triadische Ballet
